Friday, August 17, 2007

Of semi-interest

A number of semi-interesting things have happened to me this week. For my two faithful readers, I thought I'd bring you up-to-date.

  • Heard from my friend Snickers, who decided to take a life-changing leap of faith, quit his well-paying, career-track job, and is heading back to Washington, D.C. All I can say is, it's about time!
  • Had a vivid dream about an old college buddy. I was curious, what ever happened to A.C.? We lost touch two decades ago. Long story short, I called the college alumni office and found out he was living here in my city, just up the road in the same school district! Married, with triplet 8-year-old daughters, he's still got that West Texas twang. We enjoyed a nice catch-up call.
  • I'm working on a big project with The Saint, and if all goes well, I'll have some great news to share. If it doesn't go well, at least I gave it a shot and it was fun to try.
  • The boys are back in school. Thank God. Lego's observation about his first day: "It's great being in 8th grade and having all that power." Sport had nothing to say, but I have to share this little jewel. Driving with his dad, Sport confided, "I cuss a lot in my dreams."
  • One of my work buddies took a step on the path of academia, leaving for Louisiana to pursue a master's degree. I miss him, but I feel like I had a small part in encouraging him to go for it. Maybe I'll get a book dedication out of it.
  • Lego was in our local paper. They published a press release about his nomination to NYLSC. Is okay to be busting out all over with pride over this?

Other than that, it's been too damn hot to try and come up with a good blog posting. I'll try to think of something


craftyminx said...

What's this big project you speak of?

I would most definitely recommend a mac. Its really self explanatory learning. I didn't know anything before hand. There are a few little things that are different, but you figure them out quick enough. I'm still not quite sure why the internet is finicky, but I figured out how to appease it at least. haha.

We need to get Thai food on next Friday after I've had my first official week of library school. Maybe we could get circ boy to join us?

Anonymous said...

You better being busting out with pride! I'm very glad Lego guy gets to go to this thing. I just can't believe his in 8th grade! I remember yesterday and he was just 3 years old! Where did all the time go? pastgrace

Anonymous said...

"big project"? Is that what they're calling it these days?

Tex said...

Now I have lots of questions.

Who's Snickers and why is he going back to DC?

What's the project with the Saint?

Who's the college friend with triplets?

...and one comment about Sport's cussing comment--my #2 son, when he was about 6, told his uncle that "it's not cussing if your dad don't hear" when my brother was talking to him about his language.

Boys, you gotta love 'em.

QueenBee said...

Wow, you've got a lot going on. My life is pretty boring. Go to work, go home, get ready for the next day.

Yes, it's okay to be proud of Lego! He is such a great kid. So is Sport, just be thankful that his cussing is in his dreams! LP went through her stage where she called everything and everyone a *itch.