Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Hand over the chocolate...

It made national headlines: our mayor put the entire city on a diet. Our family, without his prompting, had already decided to cut out the junk we'd been grazing on throughout December, substituting fruit and low-fat snacks.

Everyone is starting to get cranky.

I bought a bag of chocolate chips over the weekend and have been doling them out -- one chip at a time -- after dinner.

"It's not worth it," SO protested, eyeballing the tiny nub of chocolate. I made a motion to put it back in the bag. He stopped me by popping it in his mouth.

"Let it melt and you'll get a satisfying taste of chocolate."

"I'd find the whole bag satisfying," he retorted.

When my back is turned, I find the kids raiding the fridge, desperate for something that isn't healthy. They want that bag of chocolate chips.

I've hidden it, but it won't be long until they find it and finish it up. Their willpower is waning in the wake of grapes, yogurt and energy bars.

We are the 15th fattest city in the country. I know this is true. When I'm shopping at Target or one of the grocery stores, I inevitably see people wedged into those motorized grocery carts. These people aren't handicapped. They are just extremely obese. In fact, I can't remember the last time I saw someone in one of those things who had some kind of physical challenge, other than carrying around way too many pounds.

I really hate those motorized carts. They always block the aisles when I'm trying to load up on bags of chocolate chips.


Tex said...

Trust me. I've seen them--there is no one in your family that needs to be on Mick the Mayor's diet.

Also, I think he should concentrate on keeping the electricity on rather than putting us on diets and/or inviting NBA teams.

But that's just me. (He's got his Naz. background working against him as far as I'm concerned.)

Anonymous said...

Man, lay off us fat people!

QueenBee said...

Doesn't the mayor know that "diets don't work!" Try changing the way people think about food and then remind them to get up and move. As a nation, we've lost the concept of balance and everything in moderation. What next, the government telling us when to use the bathroom?!

I agree with Tex, you and your family are an exception to the rule. At least you're not here in MS, THE fattest state. :(