Sunday, November 19, 2006

Bottoms up!

Robert Benchley was an avid teetotaler until Prohibition made the speakeasy the hangout of the privileged in-crowd. One night in the fall of 1920, as Dorothy Parker and another friend ordered a round of drinks, he asked them to get him something other than his usual glass of orange juice. At the tender age of 31, Benchley took his first social drink, putting him on the road to alcoholism and eventual death due to cirrhosis of the liver.

I'm not sure I'm ready for social drinking yet, but starting on Thursday, I'm gonna have to get used to knocking back a few in the privacy of my own home. I figure a couple or three bottles of Mike's Hard Lemonade will be all it takes to put a rosy hue on the festivities. The best laid plans of Saint and Queen have fallen apart, and I'm spending Thanksgiving with my family.

It helps to remember what my pastor said this morning. "Every family is dysfunctional in its own way." During our family gatherings, if I'm not criticized for my choice of churches, political affiliation, or for being an all-around smarty pants, then I'm often accused of cheating at Scrabble or am taken to task for my unusually large vocabulary which puts me, according to the clan, at an unfair advantage when playing Balderdash.

Other past Harvest highlights:

  • The year my brother put my (now ex-) brother-in-law in a sleeper hold, nearly causing unconsciousness
  • The infamous dishwasher loading debacle of 2001
  • The gun control debate
  • The "What I Am Thankful For" 45-minute prayer
  • The "Racist Joke" moratorium of 1998
  • The ceremonial retelling of the "Give Them Kids the White Bread" incident
  • The paper-plate fiasco of 2003
For whatever reason, our gatherings are usually tense -- at least for me. And now that I know there's no escaping it, I'm determined to make the best of it. This time, I'm not going to get my feelings hurt. This time, I'm going to have fun. This time, I'm going to compete and win at whatever game we decide to play -- no quarter asked, no quarter given! And if it takes a dash of spirits to get me through it, then so be it.

Cheers, everybody-- hope you have a great holiday! (Hiccup.)


St. Fiacre said...

Oooh. I'm really mad now. I soooo want to see you drunk. God knows I've tried.

QueenBee said...

Okay, take few drinks, then they'll have even more to talk about.

I hope you all have a good time and don't worry about what they think, I think you're the best!

Anonymous said...

Just remember you are among the thousands of individuals who relunctantly return to the fold for the annual family gathering.

Just think while you suffer through your family dinner. I'll be at Texas camp sufferring through Holly's arrogrance. And being told by arrogrant men that I'm not dancing the dance properly. So 'tis the season to experience hell first hand on Earth.
