Monday, October 30, 2006


Sunday morning, I finished charting our schedule for the next week. We have a dry-erase calendar in the kitchen on which we track key events. It’s the best way to keep up with school, church, and extra-curricular events. As I made the last entry, my heart started palpitating. I’m not sure I’m going to survive:

• 2 parent/teacher conferences
• Trick-or-treating (with last-minute costume alterations)
• Piano practice
• Soccer practice (rescheduled from Halloween night)
• Camp Read-A-Lot
• A visit to the nursing home to see Grandma
• Youth group activity (lunch for the homeless)
• Soccer game
• Staff recognition dinner
• Dinner with the in-laws

The next week isn’t much better. In addition to soccer and piano practice, there’s the added stress of:

• Orchestra practice
• Orchestra concert
• Voting
• 3rd grade music program
• SNU basketball game
• My 20-year college class reunion

From the end of October until the first of January, this is the busiest time of year for me. Add to the mix:

• Sport’s birthday
• Thanksgiving
• Holiday parties
• Christmas
• New Year’s Eve

I can see a major illness brewing ahead of me. Each fall, I usually get hit with an upper respiratory infection that knocks me out for a week. It’s my body’s way of making me rest. I think I’m already headed that way. Bad allergies have lingered for two weeks. I haven’t slept more than two hours solid in four days.

I’m starting to hallucinate.

Or maybe there’s a reasonable explanation for the guy in a bear suit checking out books from a tutu-wearing circ clerk.


Le Bohemian Corsair said...

Ughhh, I do not envy you. I think that someone is in dire need of a cookie and hug, hmm??? I hope that you soon begin to feel better. P.S. You never said what your dream job would ostensibly be... ;)

Anonymous said...

Well girlfriend I beat you to it. For the past week and one half I've been sick. I finally broke down and saw the doctor. Now I'm on some really powerful drugs and I also received alot of heading shaking from the doc. Did you know you shouldn't fly with an asthma attack? This I did not know. Apparently I was courting death last Thursday. Went to OLAC. Did not enjoy myself. Everyone there drew a wide berth but I can't say that I blame them. Really need to hit the bed. Hopefully I'll be well enough to see you on Saturday.


QueenBee said...

Wow, I do nothing. Once I get home, I park my car until the next day. I know it will all come to an end next year when DQ becomes part of the marching band. My heart goes out to you. Next time I'm in town, we'll have to go out and do something relaxing.