Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Our spring trip to the Fiji Islands

Got an interesting email from WA Sport's teacher yesterday. "Have a big trip over Spring Break?" Rarely do the boys' teachers ask us how we spend our vacation time, so I knew something was up. I sent a reply, telling her of our short retreat. Her next email floored me. Apparently, Sport had enthralled the class with details from our trip to New Zealand (5 or 7 hours by plane) and side jaunt to the Fiji Islands, where he and BN LegoGuy took part in a surfing competition. Sport wiped out too many times, so he didn't take home any trophies.

While impressed with his imagination, Sport's teacher asked us to talk to him about the differences between fantasy and reality, as she's noticed he has a marked propensity for weaving elaborate tales.

I wonder where he got that from?

We recently got a new Map of the World shower curtain, and the boys love looking up different places. LegoGuy spent about an hour staring at his globe the other day, looking for the Dead Sea, and their favorite computer toy is GoogleEarth.


Okay, I admit it. I tend to tweak details and take some artistic license, especially at dinner when I'm trying to drag details about their school day out of the boys, but I think that's what makes me so endearing.

That's why it was so hard for me to keep a straight face when I told Sport to keep the Irish blarney to a minimum.


Anonymous said...


St. Fiacre said...

That kid is hilarious. I can see him totally delivering that story with a straight face. You know, don't you, that one day he and Super Giant Killer are going to vie for control of the world. I think it was in Nostradamus:
"and when the sporty prince of Adjectives and the slewer of large humanoids meet nations will tremble and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."