Friday, March 10, 2006

Smithsonian approved?

I'm not sure I have much to offer the blogger world. It's a little intimidating, posting something that may be read by complete strangers -- and even more terrifyingly -- read by friends and family.

I know what I don't want to do: spend much time on politics, a subject that stalks my waking world. I'm obsessed with national and international politics. I can't help dwelling on all the crap that goes on in Washington, while being horrified at the efforts my locally elected leaders take to drag us back to a time where women couldn't work, minorities couldn't vote, and Christianity was the religion of force rather than choice. Aahh, the "good old days."

But I digress.

I recently heard a report about the increase in popularity of blogs in
China. One woman stated that it was perfect for her and her friends, because their main area of interest was themselves. Ultimately, I suppose we're all looking for some space on which to leave our mark, a way to cry out to the universe that "I was here," an attempt to pass on to posterity our thoughts, musings, and words. Perhaps the Smithsonian will one day put together an exhibit and feature my blog as a quintessential example, with a placard analyzing the genius of these carefully constructed paragraphs.

With that kind of pressure, is it any wonder it took me 48 hours just to come up with this first posting?

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